Use "extradition agreements|extradition agreement" in a sentence

1. Various jurisdictional issues are Addressed, including extradition agreements.

2. There is no extradition agreement between the two countries.

3. Extradition doesn't exist.


5. Additional agreement to the European extradition convention of # ecember # and agreement to facilitate its enforcement signed on # ovember

6. - actively support work to assess the potential for EU-Canada agreements on extradition and mutual legal assistance.

7. We demand the extradition of Kirk.

8. A judge ordered her extradition to Britain.

9. His lawyer announced that he will fight extradition.

10. Extradition Treaty H.E. DATO’ SRI ANIFAH BIN HJ.

11. They have applied for his extradition to Ireland.

12. It won't be easy for them to escape extradition.

13. Both men maintain their innocence and are fighting extradition.

14. The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings.

15. Despite extradition requests, the German consul refused to surrender Khalid to the British as his country's extradition treaty with Britain specifically excluded political prisoners.

16. There's no diplomatic relationship or extradition between the 2 regions.

17. Was the vexed question of extradition discussed at the Council?

18. There were no plans to reopen extradition proceedings against him.

19. Perhaps there ought to be an intelligence extradition agreement that all defectors are immediately put on the first aircraft back home.

20. The law enforcement agency prepares an extradition request according to the provisions of the extradition treaty/arrangement with that particular country where the fugitive has been located.

21. (c) The bilateral extradition treaty, signed in 1953, can be used to seek extradition of Indian nationals who have absconded to Nepal after committing crimes in India

22. The new government will seek the extradition of the suspected terrorists.

23. The Home Minister Mr. Shinde when he came here, who acknowledges with tremendous gratitude the help given by the Home Minister of country in arriving at what were difficult agreements including the agreement on extradition.

24. Maguire has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her extradition.

25. The extradition will add a further complication to the Guinness criminal trial.

26. Germany wanted his extradition for publishing anti-Semitic material on his website.

27. By the time we get an extradition order, they'll be long gone.

28. If Esperanza gets to a country with no extradition treaties, we're fucked.

29. Considered a flight risk, he is in custody Awaiting extradition to Spain

30. Or are you just trying to find someplace that doesn't have extradition?

31. * Extradition of criminals and accused persons from India to foreign and Commonwealth countries and vice versa and general administration of the Extradition Act, 1962 (34 of 1962) and extra-territoriality.

32. In 1987 he had led a campaign for the extradition of drug traffickers.

33. The treaty also established free trade and full extradition between the two countries.

34. A New York court turned down the British government's request for his extradition.

35. Uh, they caught our big game hunter, and his extradition flight lands tonight.

36. To get extradition, we need an actual confession that La Grenouille ordered the hit.

37. This extradition is a victory for all who believe in the rule of law.

38. Sarhadi, who had been arrested in December, had unsuccessfully lodged an appeal against extradition.

39. They face an extradition hearing before a federal magistrate in San Diego on June

40. In addition, an Extradition Treaty between India and Bangladesh was signed on 28th January, 2013.

41. Lag (1957:668) om utlämning för brott [Act (1957:668) on Extradition for Criminal Offences]

42. But a federal judge ruled last May that probable cause existed to grant the extradition.

43. 6 But a federal judge ruled last May that probable cause existed to grant the extradition.

44. Both sides agreed to finalize the texts of Extradition Treaty and MLAT at an early date.

45. Q: The Saudi–India Extradition Treaty of 2010 has helped build trust between our two countries.

46. In addition, extradition procedures needed to be streamlined, since delays could defeat the timely rendition of fugitives.

47. In addition, extradition procedures needed to be streamlined, since delays could defeat the timely rendition of fugitives

48. Does the additional element 39.5 (in R.39) apply extradition proceedings related to terrorist acts or FT?

49. The Committee agreed that there is no added value in developing a model form for extradition requests.

50. And, apart from extradition, States were unwilling for the most part to contemplate co-operation in criminal prosecutions.

51. Draft has been accepted both of extradition treaty and a treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

52. (c) whether the absence of an updated extradition treaty has added to the nexus between trans-border criminals;

53. (a,b&c) The draft text of the Extradition Treaty was forwarded to Bangladesh Government in June 2003.

54. Terminating individual Agreements; Agreement resources

55. The UK Government has sent the extradition request to the concerned court in UK to initiate judicial proceedings against him.

56. · Admit an individual without a detention order or court ruling or, in cases of expulsion or extradition, without a Government order;

57. It is the policy of Government to sign extradition treaties, agreements and arrangements with as many countries as possible, to bring back from abroad fugitive criminals wanted in India for various criminal offences including those relating to terrorism.

58. (a) & (b) The Ministry of External Affairs takes necessary action once an extradition request is received from the concerned law enforcement agency.

59. His legal responsibilities for issues such as extradition have also brought him into contact with senior legal and political figures in Ireland.

60. Information on the legal measures for the prohibition of deportation and extradition in the cases of suspicions for torture, as well as providing acts of torture as extraditable offences under the Agreement on extradition is provided respectively in the comments on article 3 (paragraphs 68, 70, 71–76) and on Article 8 paragraphs 108–110 of the report related to the Convention against Torture (CAT/C/ALB/2).

61. Business Agreements like intercompany services agreement, stock pledge agreement, proprietary information agreement, cooperation agreement, business loan agreement, merger agreement and so on.

62. Japan Still Wants Ghosn After Arresting His Helpers Father-and-son team Michael Taylor and Peter Taylor were jailed after extradition from U.S

63. Latvia, Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and Tunisia mentioned rules from their penal codes and codes of criminal procedures relating to the crimes and to the procedure of the extradition, as well as the cases when the extradition should be accepted or refused and providing who is the competent authority to make such decisions.

64. Q 5. Are there any specific points to address in the extradition treaty and mutual legal assistance to control criminal activities between two countries?

65. The UK Government however acknowledged the seriousness of allegations and expressed their readiness to consider the request under Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty or extradition.

66. He claimed that he received the February 23, 1976 affidavit through the diplomatic channels as part of the original extradition package in late March 1976.

67. A broad range of issues were discussed covering visa, migration, citizenship, irregular people movement, surrogacy, extradition, mutual legal assistance requests, consular access and crisis management.

68. Accessibility of mutual legal assistance and extradition guidelines and information in the non-European States in this subgroup is considered to be a good practice.

69. Man found Civilly liable for Omagh bombing fails in High Court rights challenge Liam Campbell awaiting appeal outcome on extradition to Lithuania Mon, Mar 15, 2021, 20:59

70. The clause in Bill C-# which would effectively broaden the grounds for extradition by abandoning what is known as the list approach to offences is a welcome change

71. Border officers also gave “vastly Conflicting versions of key events,” Meng’s legal team argued as her extradition hearing entered the last phase of arguments leading to a final hearing.

72. Assange is the subject of an international manhunt, as a result of Interpol issuing a "red notice, " a warrant indicating the person should be arrested with a view to extradition.

73. In addition to non-admission, rendition and other transfers and matters regulated by the law of armed conflict, extradition should be explicitly recognized as falling outside the scope of the topic.

74. Some States still adhere to the traditional view that if extradition is available, the individual concerned is entitled to all safeguards surrounding that procedure and it should be used instead of expulsion

75. Customer Agreements and User Terms for Products and Services Master Subscription Agreement Master Subscription Agreement; Master Subscription Agreement (previous versions) Master Subscription Agreement (日本版) Master Subscription Agreement (日本版) (previous versions)

76. 11 On Monday Switzerland refused to extradite director Roman Polanski to California for sentencing on a 30-year-old sex crime because of potential technical faults in the US request for extradition.

77. The agreements comprise the Service Provider Agreement, the Accounts Receivable Management Agreement and the Alternative Billing Arrangement Agreement. Reference: 8340-B20-0783/00 and TN 735 (NST).

78. McGuire had returned to the United States in July 1987, and because no extradition treaty exists between the U.S. and Rwanda, McGuire, whose guilt is still widely questioned, has not served his sentence.

79. The dynamic and complex nature of the agreement is evidenced by 7 amending agreements, 4 additional spinoff agreements and 22 pieces of related legislation.

80. Single enterprise agreement date calculator; Guide – Notice of employee representational rights; Types of Agreements; Interpreting or enforcing an agreement; About enterprise bargaining